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Term Three Action Post: Let's Scan

For Our May Professional Development Day, the staff was engaged in a scan of school wide data. We started the day with a walk and talk, discussing:

What is working well this year? What is difficult? What are your next steps? What are your hopes and dreams moving forward?

Staff recorded their thoughts on this padlet: 2023-3x04ara50xx4a2bh


This was followed by a Gallery Walk/Chalk Talk thinking routine of the following data:

Station 1: Term 2 Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency Indicators

Station 2: Middle Years Development Index Data

Station 3: FSA results

Station 4: SPARK reading assessment Kindergarten and Grade 1

Station 5: English Language Learner Assessments

Station 6: Anecdotal Data from our Education Assistants

Station 7: New Year Placemat Activity where we asked students “What do you want to see or hear more of in 2023?”

Station 8: Core Competency Student Self Assessments and Reflections


Following the Gallery Walk, Staff created “Headlines” to capture the essence and emerging themes of the data scan.


The common themes that emerged were improving student self-regulation skills, and a concern about the current student lexicon of put downs and inappropriate language for school.  


Next Steps:

When we return to school in September, using information from this scan, we will craft a focus and develop a hunch that will drive out Professional Learning for the 2023/24 year.  








Updated: Tuesday, July 4, 2023