In 1953, James Thompson Elementary School began as a two-room annex to Grauer Elementary School. The official opening of the school did not occur until 1955. In 1965, it again became an annex to Brighouse Elementary School, but since 1967 it has remained independent at its present site at 6211 Forsythe Avenue, near No. 1 Road and Westminster Highway. The school is named after James Thompson. He was a pioneer farmer in the area and served as school trustee from 1908-1915. He chaired the Lulu Island West Dyking Commission from 1915 to 1934. The school sits on a portion of the original Thompson farm.
School Handbook

James Thompson Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Thompson School Staff strive to create an atmosphere of acceptance and support among all students, staff and community. To this end:
- We will continue to emphasize, clarify and consistently reinforce the rules and guidelines we feel are important for our school.
- We will continue to emphasize that children respect each other properly.
- We will continue to strive to create plans to incorporate student expectations and school goals into our day-to-day activities and routines.
These expectations can be summarized in the following manner:
Respect yourself
Respect others
Respect your school
School District #38 Code of Conduct (School District Policy 502.1.1)
The Board of School Trustees recognizes its obligation to all members of the school community to provide a positive climate and a safe, healthy environment such that effective, purposeful teaching and learning may take place. To that end it is expected that all members of the school community will conduct themselves in an ethical and lawful manner that demonstrates respect for self, others, property and the environment. A violation may warrant intervention or disciplinary action.
It is expected that all members of the school community (staff, students, parents, and guests) will:
- respect the rights of others;
- respect the health and safety of others;
- respect the property of others - private and public;
- respect the legitimate authority of the school administrative officers and staff;
- respect and take pride in the school’s physical facilities;
- respect the diversity of the school community;
- respect the non smoking nature of district schools and property;
- respect the individual rules within each school;
- behave in an ethical and lawful manner;
- behave in a considerate and courteous manner;
- behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times;
- not threaten, harass, intimidate or assault, in any way, any person within the school community; and
- not be in possession of weapons, dangerous articles, alcohol, or illegal drugs while in school or at school functions.
Personal Electronic Devices (PED) in Schools
We expect that all persons in school can support a positive teaching and learning environment by adhering to the following expectations:
- cell phones and PED’s are in silent mode or are powered off and stored out of sight during all instructional times and breaks (8:30am – 2:45pm)
- may use their cell phones and PED’s outside of the school before 8:30am and after 2:45pm
- PED’s are not to be used in the classroom setting by students, staff, or parents unless otherwise
- directed by the teacher / principal.
- PED’s may not be used at recess or lunch
- school staff may confiscate, and securely store, personal electronic devices until the end of the school day
- during the school day the use of cell phones, text messaging, and electronic devices is restricted in instructional areas, unless otherwise authorized
- parents and volunteers may have a cell phone on in silent mode. However, they must step outside of the building to answer / return calls
- teachers may give permission for PED’s to be used by students within the school setting for school-related events or to enhance student learning
- the electronic transmission, or posting of photographic images of a person, or persons on school property, at school events, and during school activities and/or hours, is prohibited without the permission of the person or persons being photographed, the Principal or designate, and where the student is below the age of 18 years, the consent of the parent/guardian
- the principal may authorize use of these devices on certain occasions, (eg. to photograph or video a performance or graduation)
Home and School Communication
Parents Around and About the School
We welcome your involvement. We love to have you as volunteers. We encourage you to keep in close contact with the teachers. We would, however, ask you to respect the process of learning in the school.
- Please do not disturb classes while school is in session.
- Please get an ID Tag at the office if you are helping in a class.
Parent Volunteers
Under the direction and supervision of the classroom teacher, volunteers can assist with non-professional tasks such as:
- Working with groups of children - reading a story, field trips
- Working with individual children - drill in math facts, reading
- Organizing instructional material - counting pictures, charts, flash cards, posters. Please remember that volunteers must hold all matters connected with the school in confidence and respect the professional role and judgment of teachers and the administrators. All volunteers need to discuss their role with administration before volunteering in the school. For regular volunteers a criminal record check will be required.
Communicating with Teachers
From time to time, parents become concerned about something that may or may not have happened in their child’s class. If this happens, please consider the following course of action:
- Talk directly to the teacher concerned or send a note.
- If after speaking wthe teachjewr, you are not sure how to proceed, make an appointment and talk to the principal.
Professionalism - Please do not discuss your concern with another teacher on staff. Doing so puts that teacher in a very difficult position. You will find that your talk with the teacher will be most productive if you have called ahead and made an appointment.
At James Thompson Elementary School, homework is a part of the educational partnership between the student, home and school. Conferences, parent information evenings, class newsletters, info on ePortfolios, and individual meetings are opportunities where parents and students can review expectations in general, and for individual students and assignments in particular. An ongoing dialogue based on involvement is our commitment.
- in September, teachers will communicate to parents the manner in which reminders and information will be sent home (i.e. home reading, student planners, reminder books, email, ePortfolio)
- provide clear explicit instructions and feedback
- teach necessary skills to complete tasks or homework assignments
- ensure children can get adequate sleep - establish a regular bed time
- provide positive reinforcement and encourage your child to be an independent learner
- provide a quiet work space and necessary experiences
- communicate with the teacher when necessary
- your child’s assignmemts and work is housed in their ePortfolio. You can view this anytime, and are encouraged to leave constructive comments in the comment section where applicable.
- understand what is expected and ask questions to clarify expectations when necessary
- submit homework on time, and regularly consult with your ePortfolio
- take reminders, assigned books, materials or planners to share with parents and return to school
The school makes student planners available for student purchase at the Grades 2-7 levels. The use of student planners at the intermediate grade levels assists students in building organizational and time management skills as well as serving as a communication tool between home and school. It’s important to advise the teacher if something has kept your child from completing homework.
Dress Code
Within our learning and working community at Thompson, we show respect for each other in a variety of ways; for example in the way we speak to each other, the way we behave toward each other and also in the way we dress. The attitude, which we bring to learning, is reflected in the way in which we come dressed for it. Students need to be clean, warm, and comfortable and have clothing appropriate for the learning activity. Clothing with offensive slogans or of a revealing nature more suitable for the beach would not be appropriate to wear at the school. The essence of the dress code for Thompson School is based upon common sense and the importance of each person to: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect Your School.
Health Promoting Schools Policy
We consider health to be a reflection of the whole person comprising the physical, mental and emotional aspects of human nature. We are committed to providing information about healthful living, offering opportunities to develop skills and making healthy choices easily accessible for our students. In addition, we endeavor to inculcate healthy attitudes in our students for a lifetime by creating a learning environment that connects home, school and community with the goal of providing children with a foundation for lifelong healthy living. Our goal is summed up by the school creed: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect this Planet.
Frequent Questions:" What if my child…? absent… Advise the teacher or leave a message on the Early Warning line (604-668-6426) before 8:45 a.m. Remember, you will be contacted by an Early Warning Parent if you do not notify the school of your child’s absence or late arrival. Please send a note for the teacher as a follow-up to any absence.
...has a lengthy illness… Inform your child’s teacher.
...has an appointment… Send a note to the teacher so that your child can be dismissed at the required time.
...brings a lunch… Students eat their lunch in the classrooms from 12:00-12:20. Then they go out to play from 12:20-12:52. In extreme weather, students will be required to stay in the school and an “in day” will be declared by the administration. Otherwise, please ensure that children are dressed appropriately to go outside at recess and lunch each day.
...loses something… Check the lost and found located by the gym. For small or valuable items (watches, jewelry, small toys, etc.) check at the office.
...wants to use a phone… Children may use the office phone only for emergencies, (e.g. to advise parents they will be working after class, forgotten lunch). Forgotten homework is not an emergency. As per our PED policy, students are to only use personal cell phones before and after school; and otherwise, they need to be kept turned off and in their backpacks.
...has their phone confiscated… If your child had their personal phone taken away, it was because they did not respond to several reminders to respect our Personal Electronic Device policy. Your child may pick up the phone from their teacher at the end of the day. If the phone/device is confiscated a second time, parents can pick up the phone from the main office at their convenience.
...becomes ill at school… If your child becomes ill or has an accident at school, you or one of the adults you designate on the student information sheet will be contacted immediately. Please inform the school of any changes in your child’s health, your work number, alternate emergency numbers, doctor, etc. A staff member will give any child injured at school emergency first aid. If nobody can be contacted and hospital treatment is required, a staff member will take the child to the hospital or an ambulance will be called.
...has a health condition… Please inform the school office or your child’s teacher of any health condition that may affect them at school. Medical alert information is critical.
...requires medication… You must complete the required form (HLTH 41). Please contact our office. moving… Let your child’s teacher and the school office know at least one week in advance so the necessary forms can be completed.
Thompson School Motto and Mission Statement
School Mission StatementAs a community, we value...• working and learning in a safe, supportive and sustainable environment• building caring relationships through positive communication and cooperation• enabling all learners in an inclusive environment• providing opportunities for all students to learn, grow and achieve at a level of personal excellence• educating our students to become socially responsible members of society |
Our Motto:Thinking • Learning • Caring |