Term 1 2024/25 Evidence Post - Assemblies in Circle
At Thompson Elementary, in Term 1 of our 2024/25 school year, we continue to focus on:
- Creating a respectful and inclusive environment
- Increasing a sense of belonging
- Enhancing Student Self-Regulation Skills
For creating a respectful and inclusive environment and increasing a sense of belonging -
We continue to sit in circle for our assemblies -
- Welcoming Assembly
- Terry Fox Assembly
- Orange Shirt Day Assembly
- Remembrance Day Assembly
- with our grade 7's at the centre, as visible leaders, invited to share about themselves and their values
Next steps:
- as we begin to re-look at our school matrix, through Staff Pro-D (with the support of District Staff), we will begin by asking students - what wording they think is important to include and why?
- we will also continue to support the daily living and tending of creating a respectful and inclusive environment, using strength-based language and focus our next steps during our upcoming class reviews and written learning updates.
We will continue to deepen our learning, and evolve our school story, in the months to come...
Sunday, January 19, 2025