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Action Post #3 2023/24

What value do you want to carry into 2024?


On the Lunar New Year, students gathered in the gym in their family teams and listened to the story "I Love Chinese New Year". While reading the story, Mrs. Hoffinger made connections to the animals of the zodiac and their characteristics and values. Next, students gathered in their family teams in classrooms to further learn about values, and then decide “What value do you want to carry into the New Lunar Year?”


Objective:  Guide students towards making a list of values that they want to “carry” into 2024/Year of the Dragon and decorate a team backpack.

Time:  about 40 mins.

-Work with your Family team(s) to brainstorm values use these lessons or your own lesson.

-Each student will then decorate a “patch” / “keychain” for their backpack with their value.

-Team teachers please have colouring materials / glue / scissors ready in your spaces.

-OPTIONAL:  Early finisher activity—colour Lunar New Year animals.


Values Lesson Plan #1


  1. “You will be decorating this backpack with one word or picture of your most important value for school”


  1. Choose 3 or 4 out of the 7 school activity slides.  Complete “Would you rather” activity.  (Students listen to prompt and gather at one end of the room or the other depending on their preference. Ask students why they made their choice. Talk about respecting different values.  Write down the values that you discussed on the board:  ‘kindness’ ‘love’ ‘care’ ‘fun’ ‘curiousity’ ‘thinking’ ‘fairness’ ‘positivity’ ‘calmness’ ‘peaceful’ etc)


Would you rather


Work                                       On your own or with someone else  


Lunch                                     Talk with a friend or have quiet thinking time  


Friend/Playground                  Many friends or one good one


Learning                                  Make mistakes or always get it right


Sports/Game                           Win or have fun


Play                                         Feel safe or take risks


In the hall                                Say hi to others or have others say hi to you


  1.  Each student chooses a value and decorates a “patch” or “keychain” for the team backpack.   Student leaders can help younger students with their patches. 


  1. Glue patches on to backpack.

A book cover with a picture of a glass of water and an apple

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Values Lesson Plan #2


  1.  Read “The Important Book” (5 mins)



  1. Discuss “At school, what is the most “important thing” or “value” for you?”  Brainstorm on the board:  “The important thing about school is _______________”

-being friendly; being kind; being calm; learning; being safe; including others; having fun; etc”.

-discuss why they made their choice

-talk about respecting different values


  1.  Each student chooses one “value/important thing” to decorate on a patch or keychain for team backpack.  Student leaders can help younger students with their patches. 



Updated: Sunday, June 23, 2024