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Action Post #2 Term Two 2023/24

Thompson School Story Goal:

How do we uplift, uphold, and support Thompson students, staff, and families?

Starting in January, our school focussed on a "Pawsitive Practice" for two weeks. These were explicitly taught in the classroom, included in the morning announcements, evidence of students engaged in these practices were shared on our hallway T.V., and tips were shared with families in our newsletters. 

Pawsitive Practices 2024

No. 1 (Jan 8-19th)

Positive greetings

No. 2 (Jan 22-Feb 2nd)

Allow others to go before you

No. 3 (Feb 5-Feb 16th)

Use polite words (Please, Thank you, Excuse Me, Pardon? (instead of what? Or huh?)

No. 4 (Feb 19-Mar 1st)

Clean up without being asked


Suggested Teacher Activities

·  Read books on kindness/positive emotions from Thompson Library (new series: “A Spot of…”)


·  Role-play expected behaviours (example vs. non-example)


·  Mini-challenges

-Example:  say Hi to one new person at school; say Hi to one person in the community


·  Core competency journal


·  Class meeting/discussions


·  Buddy projects/lessons


·  Team building activities


·  Kindness Bingo Card (You could have older kids fill in their own bingo squares with tasks they feel they could do)






·  The Random Acts of Kindness Website has a lot of cohesive, step-by-step lesson plans!: (K-5)


·  Looking for Core Competency Journal Prompts? Click here!:  (K-7)



·  Team building activities for students:



·  The casel website has a ton of amazing resources- but you have to dig a bit. Start here and select your grades (K-7)


Updated: Sunday, June 23, 2024