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Evidence Post- Digital Story Makers

Div 9 K/1 digital story-makers explored using the Scratch Jr. App to DESIGN and CREATE animated stories with code blocks. The students added story settings, characters, a story plot (beginning, middle and end), voice and motion. The students did not only learn to use coding blocks to animate and sequence story slides, but also used design tools like the camera, typed texts and recorded voice in speech bubbles, estimated time between slides, and edited skin designs of graphic faces, figures and backgrounds. Together in collaboration with Chris Loat, our District’s Curriculum Coordinator of Technology, the K/1 storymakers put their hands and minds to use this innovative tool to communicate and create literacy in stories over 4 weekly classes. We celebrated their learning by sharing out their individual stories with the class, using the projector. This series of lessons enhanced our Story Workshop experiences where students engage in oral and written storytelling using other tactile materials – natural, loose parts, found materials, and the visual arts.

Our K/1 students also made reflective connections to the Core Competencies (Critical and Creative thinking; Communication and Collaboration) mid-way in our lesson series with Chris. The students reflected on how they generated ideas, practiced flexible problem solving, persevered and worked together, shared and took turns, and shared their ideas.



Updated: Monday, May 8, 2023